Thursday, November 29, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Beairds

Hope all our friends and family have a joyous Christmas season this year.
Please take a moment to watch this little video with photos from the last couple of years.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Paper Chase

We had a whole lot of fun trying to get a "Family Photo" for our adoption paperwork. It is so had getting kids to hold still and make a nice face. It is even harder with little kids like Lian.
So we are still deep in the paper chase trying to get all of our documents in order so we can be matched with another child from China. We are not going to specify sex (boy or girl), whatever the Lord provides. We are also going to look at the same list of special needs we looked at previously, so we really do not know what we will get yet. Just like having a birth child, only it takes a year, and the hospital is 14 hours away. Oh, yea, that's right, since we already have one special needs child, the waiting time for a second is relatively short. From start of paperwork to retuning home could be as little as a year.
If you would like to help us, please buy a T-shirt.  Later I will post a link to Lifesong for Orphans, where you can give a tax-deductable donation.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yuntai Garden

The photo used as a background on our Blog is from the Yuntai Garden.  It lies at the north entry of Baiyun Mountain, with a total area of 120,000 sq. meters. Being the largest garden of its kind in China, Yuntai Garden is heralded as "the Pearl of the Flower City of Guangzhou". The structure and layout of the garden is unique and special, with the Colorful River, the Roman Column, and the Earth Stone Carving, as well as over 200 kinds of rare Chinese and foreign flowers there. Yuntai Garden is indeed a modern place of interest with beautiful scenery.

Dedication Photo

 Lian was dedicated at Olathe Bible Church on Feb 20, 2011.  We had planned several prior to that but the surgery schedule kept messing it up. We aer very lucky to have Lian in our lives, and look forward to brining him up with the help of our Lord and the church.
Photos taken by Joe Blincoe at Olathe Bible Church. He is a wonderful photographer and we really appreciate his work.
Thanks Joe

It has been an amazing journey thus far.

Here are some more photos from the dedication: